The Lost Voices Project

Companion resource to Les livres de Chansons Nouvelles de Nicolas Du Chemin (1549–1568), hosted by the Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance in Tours, France

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Vous souvient-il ; ma mignonne

Du Tertre, Etienne



Phrase Number Measures Rhyme Phrase
1 1–4 a Vous souvient il point ma mignonne,
2 3–7 b Qu’un jour me reprouchiez par jeu,
3 8–11 a Pour t’aimer je ne crains personne,
4 11–15 b Toy de craincte as plus que de feu
5 15–18 b Maintenant vous puis dire au lieu,
6 17–21 c Que m’avez desrobbé ma crainte,
7 22–26 b En amitié est tout mon Dieu
8 25–31 c Mais la vostre est par peur estaincte.




Phrase Measures Analyst Show details
1 1–3 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand
1 1–3 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand
1 3–4 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand
2 4–6 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand
2 6–7 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand
3 8–8 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand
3 8–11 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand
4 11–15 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand
5 15–17 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand
5 17–18 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand
6 17–19 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand
6 17–18 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand
6 18–19 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand
6 18–18 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand
6 20–21 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand
7 22–24 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand
7 22–26 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand
7 23–24 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand
7 24–25 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand
7 25–26 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand
8 25–27 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand
8 25–31 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand
8 25–26 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand
8 27–28 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand
8 29–30 Bazinet, Genevieve Expand