The Lost Voices Project

Companion resource to Les livres de Chansons Nouvelles de Nicolas Du Chemin (1549–1568), hosted by the Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance in Tours, France

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Symon, P[ellegrune] (P. Symon)

fl. 1540’s–1551

French composer active 1540’s to 1551. Perhaps Pellegrune Symon listed as trombone player in English Chapel during 1520’s through 1540’s. Total of 25 chansons credited to this composer, chiefly in Attaingnant prints. Many of the texts he set were also used by Certon, Du Tertre, Gervaise, Goudimel, and Janequin, among others. Lawrence F. Bernstein, “Symon, P.” New Grove 2, XXIV, 820. Also CMM edition